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Laerskool Doringkloof Primary Open Chess Tournament B Section

Posledná aktualizácia 19.10.2024 18:27:36, Creator/Last Upload: Renè Pienaar (de Beer)

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Štartová listina

1Voigt, Daniel14364964RSA1486
2Exarchos, Isabella14371812RSA1460
3Egeonu, Chizitere108110718RSA1437
4Pitso, KabeloRSA1433
5Swanepoel, Leja14379503RSA1430
6Mojaki, Tshegofatso14387760RSA1417
7Machet, JordanRSA1414
8Cele, Siyabonga14367521RSA1297
9Raubenheimer, Gesina534003843RSA1290
10Mashao, KhothatsoRSA1288
11Adamson, Amani14346648RSA1280
12Elskie, Tamryn534003827RSA1280
13Ndebele, Akhumzi14379384RSA1268
14Hlwathika, ThandolwenkosiRSA1247
15Ramonyai, Motshabo534000500RSA1225
16Yoko, Sascha14361949RSA1217
17Adamson, JudeRSA0