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Laerskool Doringkloof Primary Open Chess Tournament B SectionՎերջին արդիացում19.10.2024 18:27:36, Creator/Last Upload: Renè Pienaar (de Beer)
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Voigt, Daniel | 14364964 | RSA | 1486 |
2 | | Exarchos, Isabella | 14371812 | RSA | 1460 |
3 | | Egeonu, Chizitere | 108110718 | RSA | 1437 |
4 | | Pitso, Kabelo | | RSA | 1433 |
5 | | Swanepoel, Leja | 14379503 | RSA | 1430 |
6 | | Mojaki, Tshegofatso | 14387760 | RSA | 1417 |
7 | | Machet, Jordan | | RSA | 1414 |
8 | | Cele, Siyabonga | 14367521 | RSA | 1297 |
9 | | Raubenheimer, Gesina | 534003843 | RSA | 1290 |
10 | | Mashao, Khothatso | | RSA | 1288 |
11 | | Adamson, Amani | 14346648 | RSA | 1280 |
12 | | Elskie, Tamryn | 534003827 | RSA | 1280 |
13 | | Ndebele, Akhumzi | 14379384 | RSA | 1268 |
14 | | Hlwathika, Thandolwenkosi | | RSA | 1247 |
15 | | Ramonyai, Motshabo | 534000500 | RSA | 1225 |
16 | | Yoko, Sascha | 14361949 | RSA | 1217 |
17 | | Adamson, Jude | | RSA | 0 |