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Laerskool Doringkloof Primary Open Chess Tournament Section A

Senast uppdaterad19.10.2024 19:11:49, Creator/Last Upload: Renè Pienaar (de Beer)

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1Mhango, Banele14327040RSA2287
2Khumalo, Keith14319470RSA2208
3Mnguni, Jakob14320908RSA2195
4Marais, CoenraadRSA2086
5Nene, Themba14306760RSA1882
6Mkhaliphi, John14326485RSA1828
7Egeonu, Chigozie14388723RSA1820
8Moche, Johannes14308320RSA1804
9Phokela, Osia14360470RSA1784
10Letsoalo, Peter14303850RSA1720
11Mann, Iowan14395789RSA1647
12Bain, Michael14373700RSA1640
13Segal, Jamie14356988RSA1620
14Lodi, Khotso14338890RSA1602
15Naude, Johan14375346RSA1595
16Mankena, Satvik Ram14399393RSA1583
17Ndala, Nicholas14368625RSA1577
18Cloete, Willem14358387RSA1558
19Adamson, Luke14357836RSA1547
20Yoko, Christopher14361930RSA1531