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Worcester Knock-Out 2024 U15 Girls

Last update 19.10.2024 16:51:52, Creator/Last Upload: Chantelle Jacobs

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Starting rank

1Johnson, Lakeisha1579Montana HS
2Van Zyl, Cornelia AlettaRSA1547Worc. Gim
3Reynard, Ree-ShaanRSA1356Langeberg
4Titus, Jay-Lynn1199Montana HS
5Saaiman, KeandraRSA1197Hexvallei
6Starke, Jesi-Jade1170HTS Drostdy
7September, Cindy-Joy1165EPH
8Harmse, Taylia1153Montana HS
9Geswindt, StephlineRSA1152Hexvallei
10Rasekgololo, AyandaRSA1149De Villiers Graaf
11Reynard, TamaraRSA1125Hexvallei
12Jaftha, LuzindaRSA1093Hexvallei
13Hendricks, MeaganRSA1069Hexvallei
14Dietloff, AmyRSA0Breede Valley
15Gurrah, SaskiaRSA0Hexvallei