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Worcester Knock-Out 2024 U13 Girls

Last update 19.10.2024 16:52:19, Creator/Last Upload: Chantelle Jacobs

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Starting rank

1Viljoen, LienkaRSA1387Worcester Noord
2Klopper, Marli1357WNPS
3Joel, Roneeq1331De Villiers Laerskool
4Bothma, KiaraRSA1218Ebenezer
5Arendse, Chrizaan1204Van Wyksvlei
6Davids, NeveahRSA1195Winelands
7Mouers, Jodi Lee1184De Villiers Laerskool
8Anthony, Esmerelda0Esselen Park
9Bosman, Leshe0Esselen Park
10Douries, Lijanice0Esselen Park
11Plaatjies, Azalia Skylar0Worcester-Oos