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Worcester Knock-Out 2024 U9 Boys

Darrera actualització19.10.2024 16:53:26, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Chantelle Jacobs

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Rànquing inicial

1Ngqwarushe, JaydenRSA1527De Villiers Laer
2Crafford, Quade1488Laerskool Gansbaai
3Fourie, IzakRSA1441LS Stellenbosch
4Brandt, TylerRSA1397Winelands
5Louw, Burger1269Robertson Voorbereiding
6Jansen Van Rensburg, Xandre1229Courtrai
7Edons, MihandroRSA1222De Villiers Laerskool
8Du Toit, Shaundre1200De Villiers Laerskool
9Titus, MatthewRSA1193Winelands
10Bam, Levi1186Worcester Primary
11Lee, MonreeqRSA1185Winelands
12Siegel, MatthewsRSA1063H.Venter
13Lee, Martin John0Worcester Primary