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2024 ILembe Youth Trials Under 16 & 18Վերջին արդիացում21.10.2024 08:10:08, Creator/Last Upload: Sphamandla Nkosi
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Budhram, Kaylee | | RSA | 1577 |
2 | | Nzuza, Mthobisi | | RSA | 1449 |
3 | | Pascoe, James | | RSA | 1446 |
4 | | Gumede, Ntokozo | | RSA | 1384 |
5 | | Mngadi, Fredrick | | RSA | 1334 |
6 | | Manyokolo, Nhlanhla | | RSA | 1317 |
7 | | Zungu, Khethelo | | RSA | 1302 |
8 | | Khambule, Ayabonga | | RSA | 1218 |
9 | | Ruperto, Troy | | RSA | 1198 |
10 | | Thusi, Ntokozo | | RSA | 0 |