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2024 ILembe Youth Trials Under 14

Senast uppdaterad21.10.2024 08:09:52, Creator/Last Upload: Sphamandla Nkosi

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1Hough, JoshuaRSA1389
2Shravan Kumar, SnehinRSA1370
3Pascoe, EmilyRSA1313
4Dawah, DhyanRSA1275
5Powell, SamuelRSA1209
6Bashford, GenyaRSA1208
7Petrie, JessicaRSA1203
8Sukraj, NikhilRSA1199
9Khumalo, OlwethuRSA1198
10Moodley, TristanRSA1151
11Zungu, HleloRSA1147
12Lubbe, SamuelRSA0
13Nzimande, ZamukeleRSA0
14Ohlson De Fine, MaxRSA0