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Mini Chess OCT Challenge

Seinast dagført19.10.2024 10:04:16, Creator/Last Upload: Seychelles Chess-Federation

Search for player Leita


1Kate, TimothySEY1500
2Pandu Ragan, RaneshSEY1250
3Payet, NicklausSEY1250
4Mouhoussoune, IsaacSEY1200
5Mwela, MwilaSEY1200
6Bijoux, JonathanSEY1100
7Macho Fanendez, CamiloSEY1100
8Mouhoussoune, AdamSEY1100
9Ramprasath, ShrinidhiSEY1100
10Macho Fanendez, NawelSEY1050
11Ally, MattSEY1000
12Babu, PranavSEY1000
13Balasa, ManishSEY1000
14Bonne, EltySEY1000
15Casime, ShadiyaSEY1000
16D’Offay, MaéSEY1000
17Esther, EthanSEY1000
18Jasmin, FaridSEY1000
19Marie, TarickSEY1000
20Marimutthu, SharmilaSEY1000
21Mathurin, KiaanSEY1000
22Pillay, SajanSEY1000
23Pillay, ShanjaySEY1000
24Rosette, DarrenSEY1000
25Pillay, JeethikaSEY900
26Euphrasie, NathanSEY860
27Sekar, VishwaSEY800
28Derjacques, FebaSEY700
29Nanty, AverySEY700
30Vinoth Kumar, MalasriSEY650