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NIVA Chess Championship 2024 U14+U18

Senast uppdaterad20.10.2024 10:58:55, Creator/Last Upload: Jirapak Pitirotjirathon

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1Bitoon, Christianne ClaireTHA0
2Chebu, PridinatTHA0
3Leo, Tatchakrit ManusnonTHA0
4Radu, IvanTHA0
5Rungruengnana, WorawutTHA0
6Sini, MatteoTHA0
7Sirisinghol, NatthanunTHA0
8Somasundaram, SudhuTHA0
9Songthong, PirayaTHA0
10Songthong, PrimaTHA0
11Sultania, RitvikTHA0
12Tharnthong, NannapatTHA0