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Helderkruin Intern o11

Last update 18.10.2024 18:20:48, Creator/Last Upload: Hendrik Kruger

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Starting rank

1Bender, KatelinRSA1200
2Labuschagne, MiahRSA1200
3Smith, ConnorRSA1200
4Alberts, WilrieRSA0
5Esterhuizen, RileyRSA0
6Garbers, BryanRSA0
7Greyling, JacoRSA0
8Mitchley, JohnRSA0
9Nielsen, ClarkRSA0
10Oosthuizen, ElizabethRSA0
11Robberts, RichardRSA0
12Rossouw, LiamRSA0
13Smeschenko, NikolaiRSA0
14Smith, EthanRSA0
15van der Schyff, JeanRSA0
16van der Westhuizen, MarliRSA0
17van Dyk, CorlieRSA0
18van Niekerk, AmariRSA0
19van Schalkwyk, NicolaasRSA0
20van Tonder, RubenRSA0
21van Zyl, AnjaRSA0
22Venter, LandreRSA0
23Vorster, EckhardtRSA0