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2024 Birmingham Junior Open Under 11 Group D

Last update 19.10.2024 17:56:16, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Starting rank

1Tai, Adrian560St Peter’s Cofe
2Hughes, Thomas545St. Barnabas Broughton
3Shah, Siddh545Hallfield
4Puppala, Divith544Finham Primary
5Odubanjo, Nathan516St Mary Harborne
6Nader, Rosh514Hallfield
7O'Rourke, Peter470St Nicholas
8Tai, Aaron459St Peter’s Cofe
9Porter, Rafael455Blue Coat Harborne
10Williams, Judah251Blue Coat Harborne
11Chan, Ellis0Blue Coat Harborne
12Dong, Yixi0Blue Coat Harborne
13Gowda, Suday0West House