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Mzansi Summer Rapid 2024 - Under 8 & Under 10

Senast uppdaterad26.10.2024 14:09:04, Creator/Last Upload: Julian Botha

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1Koorts, LukasRSA1613
2Du Pisani, MalcomRSA1485
3Naidoo, KehanRSA1346
4Reddy, PranavRSA1341
5Morgan, RaeganRSA1315
6Ninham, GrantRSA1310
7Orren, Jade JuniorRSA1292
8Zhang, ZiyiRSA1222
9Scully, ErnestRSA1200
10Cheetham, AmeliaRSA1197
11Makondetsa, Andrew JuniorRSA1196
12Niemann, ClaraRSA1131
13Tierney, CameronRSA0