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Mzansi Summer Rapid 2024 - B Section

Senast uppdaterad26.10.2024 14:09:24, Creator/Last Upload: Julian Botha

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1Memeh, ChimeRSA1595
2Soke, SimthandeRSA1595
3Brits, EtienneRSA1586
4Zambuko, BlessingRSA1551
5Jolliffe, ShaunRSA1479
6Thomson-Selibowitz, RyderRSA1443
7AFMEgeonu, ChizitereRSA1437
8Petlak, MarekRSA1407
9Epule, DanielRSA1401
10Bloem, JamesRSA1391
11Mlilo, SibongisiweRSA1391
12Westoby, AdamRSA1378
13Potgieter, StRSA1343
14Mathabe, KabeloRSA1323
15D'Alton, EzraRSA1314
16Shyu, Yu-KaiRSA1303
17Smith, CalebRSA1289
18Tierney, GraysonRSA1287
19Upadhyay, SavyaRSA1287
20Moletsane, OabileRSA1279
21Mohonwe, Lebone KgosiRSA1272
22Huang, Hong-YuanRSA1270
23Vilakazi, GivenRSA1270
24Subroyen, JeeveshRSA1261
25Nundkoomar, SohaanRSA1250
26Daley, SebastianRSA1246
27Naidoo, KaydenRSA1234
28Fryer, ThomasRSA1209
29AIMNdhlovu, ThabaniRSA1208
30Purchase, NathanRSA1198
31Cheetham, GeorgiaRSA1190
32Purchase, ClaireRSA1181
33Hattingh, ChristiaanRSA1180
34Bloem, LionelRSA0