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Վերջին արդիացում22.10.2024 03:45:30, Creator/Last Upload: Fabricio Gonzalez Pereira

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Աղյուսակ` ըստ մեկնարկային դասավորման

No.NameRtgՖեդ.1.Rd2.RdՄՏ TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMDe Mey Juan Pablo2021ARU 5b1 6w11010
2CMPesqueira Jose1856ARU 16b1 3w12010
3CMCroes Octavio1832ARU 10w1 2b13010
4Franken Angelo1789ARU 11b½ 5w0,5800,50
5Viafara Hernan1745ARU 1w0 4b012000
6Tromp Hubert Randolf1737ARU 20w1 1b14010
7Villalba Martinez Paul Andres1726ARU 9w½ 14b0,51000,50
8Moreno Mora Milaydes Lourdes1655ARU 19w1 13b15010
9Diaz Maguina Daniel Eugenio1637ARU 7b½ 11w0,5900,50
10Karamchandani Piyush1569ARU 3b0 17w013000
11Mendoza Chourio Wignifer Y.1547ARU 4w½ 9b0,51100,50
12Sharma Mohit1541ARU -0 -0014000
13Barrios Herrera Allen David0ARU -1 8w1700,50
14Croes Jesus David0ARU 15b1 7w16010
15Geerman T-Sion S0ARU 14w0 20b015000
16Koffi Giovanni Gregorio0ARU 2w0 19b016000
17Mazzolini Daniel0ARU -0 10b017000
18Polak Delgion T. J.0ARU -0 -0018000
19Rodrigues Ross Santiago0ARU 8b0 16w019000
20Vergara Rivera Juan Sebastian0ARU 6b0 15w020000

Լրացուցիչ ցուցանիշներ:
TB1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
TB2: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable
TB3: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable