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Վերջին արդիացում22.10.2024 03:45:30, Creator/Last Upload: Fabricio Gonzalez Pereira

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Դասակարգում 1 տուրից հետո

ՏSNoNameՖեդ.RtgՄ TB1  TB2  TB3 
11FMDe Mey, Juan PabloARU20211010
2CMPesqueira, JoseARU18561010
3CMCroes, OctavioARU18321010
6Tromp, Hubert RandolfARU17371010
8Moreno Mora, Milaydes LourdesARU16551010
14Croes, Jesus DavidARU01010
713Barrios Herrera, Allen DavidARU0100,50
84Franken, AngeloARU17890,500,50
9Diaz Maguina, Daniel EugenioARU16370,500,50
107Villalba Martinez, Paul AndresARU17260,500,50
11Mendoza Chourio, Wignifer Y.ARU15470,500,50
125Viafara, HernanARU17450000
10Karamchandani, PiyushARU15690000
12Sharma, MohitARU15410000
15Geerman, T-Sion SARU00000
16Koffi, Giovanni GregorioARU00000
17Mazzolini, DanielARU00000
18Polak, Delgion T. J.ARU00000
19Rodrigues Ross, SantiagoARU00000
20Vergara Rivera, Juan SebastianARU00000

Լրացուցիչ ցուցանիշներ:
TB1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
TB2: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable
TB3: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable