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CSC 2023-24 Junior Grand Prix Oct - U8

Last update 19.10.2024 18:32:09, Creator/Last Upload: chessinschools

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Starting rank

1Mohamed Nasrudeen Meeran, Muiz Ul Meeran348712ENG1504Cambridge City
2Kapitanski, Furion350025BUL1495Petts Wood & Orpington
3Oudet, Charlotte342992ENG1104wPassed Pawns
4Popov, Constantine354855WLS1072Wales
5Bliss, Brannon358681ENG1057Barnet Knights
6Mursalimov, Timur357159ENG982Barnet *
7Kong, Deren347393ENG792London Sw *
8Marchant, Raphael366867ENG792London E *
9Dobryanskyy, Artur353034ENG790Richmond Juniors
10Li, Alice364584ENG750wSutton/Cheam *
11Sokol, Nicholas349781ENG742London W *
12Chanana, Seyaan366098ENG731Harrow
13Dawson, William365596ENG697Newham
14Parida, Vyom358117ENG628Frith Manor School
15Cadart, Ulysse367364ENG622London N *
16Vijay, Kayal369793ENG616wBishops Stortford
17Pick Crome, Sacha367267ENG600London N *
18Bovatov, Mikha348419ENG597London Sw *
19Karlmarx, Bavadharni366362ENG592wWanstead
20Sawant, Shreya361059ENG587wHarrow
21Moazed, Sassan361274ENG576London Sw *
22Tse-Fong-Tai, Oscar365212ENG567Harrow *
23Suresh Suganthi, Rithwin Akash366360ENG535East Ham
24Anand, Eena364669ENG531wHarrow *
25Deniston, Clara367270ENG513wLondon Nw *
26Szaraz, Istvan368106ENG492London *
27Irie-Williams, Silk367987ENG489wKent Juniors
28Postavnev, Dmitrii346717ENG488Passed Pawns
29Sohal, Aneeksha367371ENG471wReading *
30Skinner-Clyne, Leo361082ENG470Chingford
31Kronsteiner, Mikael Grigor364317ENG428London Nw *
32Lesnicenko, Mark367702ENG378London Sw *
33Martinovsky Machin, Erik367298ENG374Hackney
34Kong, Anya358457ENG326wLondon Sw *
35Yeung, Heidrun360513ENG254wSutton/Cheam *
36Cheung, Oscar366541ENG241London N *
37Master, Zak367368ENG150London N *
38Leahy, Adria368236ENG100wLondon N *
39Balasubramaniam, Advaith0ENG0Harrow Chess Club
40Budagov, Jamal0ENG0Alexandra Primary School
41Cemeskandeh, Amirhafez Adabi0ENG0
42Dingwall, Tilly0ENG0
43Kurian, Pius0ENG0
44Meyer, Flann0ENG0
45Zhukov, Fedor0ENG0St James C of E Primary School