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Torneio Inova Uniesp 2024 - Cabedelo PB

Last update 18.10.2024 17:18:32, Creator/Last Upload: FERNANDO SA DE MELO

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Starting rank

1AIMUrquiza, Marcello De Albuquerque22739645BRA2120
2NMDe Souza, Arthur Olintho2116200BRA2094
3Aires, Diego A Medeiros Araujo22746510BRA1825
4Vilar, Bruno Cartaxo Brunet44719078BRA1797
5Ramos, Henrique John2176580BRA1777
6Fernandes, Italo Dantas Anterio22748156BRA1704
7Quaresma, Vinicius Nunes44744030BRA1460
8Cavalheiro, DiegoBRA0
9da silva, Itamara franciscoBRA0
10de Carvalho, Breno FalcãoBRA0
11de Sousa, Wesley FerreiraBRA0
12Serpa, Joao PedroBRA0