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CSC 2023-24 Junior Grand Prix Oct - U10

Last update 19.10.2024 18:32:19, Creator/Last Upload: chessinschools

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Starting rank

1Helsby, Matthew345732ENG1552Lewisham
2Zhestilevskii, Stepan352689ENG1540London N *
3Karlmarx, Sarwayogan354819ENG1291Wanstead
4Cawdery, Mary349824ENG1265wWanstead
5Rozov, Sasha366901ENG1165Richmond/Kew *
6Maenaka, Kosuke349123ENG1084London Nw *
7Yedid, Elise331304ENG1067wEdgware Gambits
8Bednaya, Julia343820ENG1011wBarnet Juniors
9Cranfield, Edmond347263ENG932Richmond Juniors
10Kerobyan, Mark365765ENG911London W *
11Davletshin, Timur352771ENG900Barnet Knights
12Alsop, Oscar357094ENG812Epsca
13Tan, Jairus356220ENG774Ealing
14Avala, Hithesh363978ENG764Hertfordshire *
15Kronsteiner, Alexander Ararat364316ENG737London Nw *
16Yeung, Harriette346120ENG724wEpsom
17Nallapati, Medhaansh363467ENG703Hertfordshire *
18Punde, Aiyush349198ENG672Harrow
19Shah, Hitesh367252ENG639Harrow Chess Club
20Su, Roland366543ENG638London N *
21Anand, Mayya364668ENG590wHarrow *
22Symeonidou, Georgia353785ENG578wEaling
23Sparkes, Hector359001ENG536Cambridgeshire *
24Bensaid, Melissa361559ENG533wLondon N *
25Nagornyi, Fedor366110ENG518Wanstead
26Ali, Zak361231ENG509Waltham Abbey *
27Cheung, Mia367656ENG443wLondon N *
28Agrawal, Kiiaan0ENG0Harrow Chess Club
29Ahadi, Lyra0ENG0
30Amin El-Hassan, Amin0ENG0
31Arun, Luca0ENG0Cromer Road Primary
32Campman, Monty368340ENG0Chingford Junior
33Devendla, Sri Anish0ENG0Ascot Road Primary School
34Khodke, Reyansh0ENG0
35Olkhovski, Lev0ENG0
36Rahman, Mohammed Akhlaqur0ENG0
37Yaremchuk, Danylo0ENG0