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2024 쥬니어 그랑프리 - S5

Senast uppdaterad20.10.2024 11:24:12, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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1PARK, Seonjae132137681828U16EPA
2SEO, Juwon132165971775U10위즈
3PARK, Sihoo132205781748U16EPA
4LEE, Jiwoo A132128771732U12EPA
5JANG, Seojun132165201724U10LSH
6KIM, Yegeon132190221707U16EPA
7MEIYAZHAGAN, Kaviinayan3661094751636U08LSH
8KIM, Jooyeon132144621610wU10위즈
9SIM, Yunwoo132209181600U10위즈
10KIM, Nayoon B132151831594wU10EPA
11KIM, Taei A132274321570U08LSH
12JEONG, Seowon132230381547U12LSH
13JANG, Yunseo132165381516wU16LSH
14KIM, Jaeha132197901486U08EPA
15HUR, Jiyu132274751476U10LSH
16SHIN, Hyeonseo132208701458U08EPA
17SEO, Pureum132209001407U08위즈
18CHOI, Robin132243950U08LSH
19CHUNG, Yeseo132231780wU08LSH
20LEE, Juheun132263710U12LSH
21LEE, Onyu132262660U08LSH