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BHAVANS Rapid Chess Tournament (Unrated)

Darrera actualització18.10.2024 14:53:34, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Honey81

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Rànquing inicial

1Aadidev, PramodINDU11Bhavans IES
2Aagney, ShijuINDU11GIS
3Aarav, VivekINDU11Bhavans SIS
4Adam, Mohamed Ahmed Taha EldalyEGYU11Cambridge SIS
5Adel, JosephINDU11UIS
6Advaya, GireeshINDwU11Bhavans IES
7Afnan, ShabulasINDU11Bhavans IES
8Akshith, CheekatiINDU11LOA
9Al Aqmar, PatwaINDU11IEAS
10Anabel, Mariam SijoINDwU11Bhavans SIS
11Anahita, GargINDwU11FAIPS DPS
12Anaya, DikshitINDwU11Bhavans IES
13Arfa, ShahidPAKwU11Bhavans SIS
14Arush, Chowdary . MINDU11Bhavans SIS
15Athulya, RameshINDwU11Bhavans IES
16Ayaan, HarishINDU11Bhavans IES
17Ayaan, Muhammed ManoliINDU11Bhavans IES
18Bhadresh, Biju PillaiINDU11Bhavans IES
19Brill Christian,INDU11Carmel
20Edwin, Riju JosephINDU11Bhavans IES
21Ethan, DaluvargheseINDU11IPS
22Hemakesh, SrivalliINDU11Bhavans IES
23Isha, Menon KINDwU11Bhavans SIS
24Ishaaq, AmeerINDU11Bhavans SIS
26Jaswvin, ArunprasadhINDU11Bhavans SIS
27Jeremiah, George KurumpilINDU11Bhavans SIS
28Jewel, P. MathaiINDU11LIS
29Jill, GamiINDU11Bhavans SIS
30Johann Geo Jaise,INDU11Bhavans SIS
31Kavish, AggarwalINDU11Bhavans IES
32Krishant, KannanINDU11Bhavans SIS
33Krithikesh, SrinivasanINDU11Carmel
34Lakshan, RameshINDU11FAIPS DPS
35Lawton, Joshua HildonINDU11ICSK
36Marwan, Mohamed AlyamanyEGYU11Bhavans SIS
37Masa, Mohammed AlyamanyEGYwU11Bhavans SIS
38Mathew, VazhappillyINDU11Bhavans SIS
39Mohammed, Zohaib NdianINDU11Bhavans SIS
40Mohit, Sathish KumarINDU11Bhavans SIS
41Nahyan, Muhammed ManoliINDU11Bhavans IES
42Nathan, Alex VaidyanINDU11Bhavans SIS
43Nathan, K AnishINDU11NIS
44Nathan, Sebastian StanleyINDU11Bhavans IES
45Neha, VimalrajINDwU11Bhavans IES
46Nehan, AbdullahBANU11Bhavans SIS
47Nihanth, Suresh KumarINDU11Bhavans IES
48Noah, Joyal DominicINDU11Bhavans IES
49Patrick, Riyan PintoINDU11ICSK
50Prince, PatelINDU11Bhavans SIS
51Qusai, ZuzerINDU11Bhavans SIS
52Ram, SendhilINDU11Bhavans IES
53Rayan, ThomasINDU11Bhavans IES
54Reon, NoronhaINDU11Carmel
55Rishik, DikshitINDU11Bhavans IES
56Ryan, Santhosh SoumyaINDU11LOA
57Ryan, Thomas JohnINDU11Bhavans IES
58Saanvi, AroaINDwU11Bhavans IES
59Sajeeth, KumaranINDU11Bhavans IES
60Sara, MomenEGYwU11Bhavans SIS IG
61Shaswat, Balaji AshokkumarINDU11Bhavans IES
62Shaurya, SinghINDU11Bhavans IES
63Siddarth, ShobithINDU11Bhavans IES
64Sreekar, PatibandlaINDU11Bhavans IES
65Sreya, KadiyalaINDwU11FAIPS
66Sumesh, SureshINDU11FAIPS
68Sutej, Dineshkumar UpaseINDU11LOA
69Tashvi, Siju KomanthakkalINDwU11Bhavans SIS
70Vaibhav, NimeshINDU11Bhavans SIS
71Vihaan, SuvarnaINDU11ICSK
72Yead,BANU11Bhavans SIS