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12U Tatluhan Chess Team Tournament

Posledná aktualizácia 19.10.2024 12:04:38, Creator/Last Upload: FA, NI Felix Poloyapoy Jr.

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Konečné poradie po 6 kolách

Por.č. DružstvoPartie +  =  -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
11BRD Chess Academy-Maroczy660012150
25Tagbilaran YCMC Team65011015,50
36Wizards 165011013,50
410Mabolo Kings Underdogz6402812,50
52Mate in 364028120
63Team Tagbilaran6402811,50
79BRD Chess Academy-BFF'S6402811,50
815Sangat Chess Player64028110
913Team BRD-Kissa Athena6402810,50
107Mabolo ES Team C6312711,50
1111MES Team G6312711,50
124Kidz Gambit6312710,50
1314BRD Chess Academy-Kuya Y and Siblings6312710,50
1431Team BRD-KISSA Poseidon631279,50
1517Castling Crew63036100
1625Team BRD-KISSA Aeolus63036100
1718MES Team B6303690
1820MES Team E6303680
1921Damul Rook Players630367,50
208Passed Pawns6303670
2127Team BRD-KISSA Ares6303670
2312Double Bishop621358,52
2423MES Team F621358,50
2516Wizards 2613257,50
2724Team BRD-KISSA Achelous6204442
2830Team BRD-KISSA Hera5104440
2929Team BRD-KISSA Cronus5104430
3028Team BRD-KISSA Aristaeus501434,50
3133Wizards 3501433,50
3226Team BRD-KISSA Aphrodite500523,50
3322MES Team D5005220

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints