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Torneo privado por invitación.Torneo Rápido club La Victoria del Rey Posledná aktualizácia 20.10.2024 02:42:12, Creator/Last Upload: hvillarrealmx
Štartová listina
č. | | T | Meno | FideID | Elo |
1 | | | Trevino Garza, Leonardo Nicolas | 29645042 | 1833 |
2 | | | Davis, Villarreal Miguel | 29605580 | 1815 |
3 | | | Villarreal, Benitez Santino | 29604591 | 1805 |
4 | | | Chapa, Charles Alexis Daniel | 29629918 | 1770 |
5 | | | Gastelum, Valencia Mario | 29645816 | 1756 |
6 | | | Villarreal, Benitez Lucas | 29604583 | 1712 |
7 | | | Lopez, Salazar Felipe Damian | 29623952 | 1671 |
8 | | | Gastelum, Valencia Sarah Valeria | 29630720 | 1639 |
9 | | | Rodarte, Yanez Mario | 29645018 | 1621 |
10 | | | Lagui Bautista, Fredy | 29621143 | 1579 |