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Torneo IRT Interclubes Վերջին արդիացում22.10.2024 16:57:12, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | RtgI |
5 | | CM | Tobar B, Carlos Andres | 4430638 | COL | 2116 |
10 | | CM | Tobar B, Jorge Esteban | 4430646 | COL | 1985 |
4 | | | Guzman Guacas, Daniel Stiven | 144413084 | COL | 1684 |
6 | | | Navia Coy, Robinson | 4437950 | COL | 1662 |
3 | | | Sarria Moya, Diego Alejandro | 144415524 | COL | 1640 |
7 | | | Tobar Beltran, Miguel Angel | 4479890 | COL | 1599 |
8 | | | Munoz Hoyos, Karen Estefania | 144414846 | COL | 1596 |
2 | | | Males Ortega, Juan Camilo | 144436459 | COL | 1501 |
1 | | | Samboni, Luisa Fernanda | 144432194 | COL | 1417 |
9 | | | Bravo Mora, Aidden Dennis | 144436319 | COL | 1414 |