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semi marathon chess tournament la rentrée

Վերջին արդիացում20.10.2024 20:50:41, Creator/Last Upload: Mario Kpan

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Ba, El Hadji Nourou1900
2Badji, Sékou A.1900
3Diop, Wara1900
4Diouf, Jules Ko1900
5Dioum, Falilou1900
6Lesbros, Bernard1900
7Yaiche, Firas1900
8Bobrova, Luba1800
9Diop, Mohamed1800
10Zidek, Achim1800
11Ayad, Alley1700
12Diallo, Pape Salif1700
13Gueye, Mouhamet1700
14Mlik, Oday1700
15Mlik, Omar1700
16Ndiaye, Ibrahima1700
17Dièye, Mbarick1600
18Dramé, Seydina Ousmane1600
19Loughman, Mohamedou1600
20Ndiaye, Mor1600
21Bacheley, Léa1500
22Dème, Yaya1500
23Diouf, Ahmadou Bamba1500
24Gbenafa, Mesmere S K1500
25Kaboré, Cesarion Dabakh1500
26Ndiaye, Cheikhouna K B1500
27Ndiaye, Sidy Ahmed1500
28Nkolo, Dudley1500
29Rakib, Mbae Ali1500
30Sarr, El Haj Guirane1500
31Sy, Mansour1500
32Traoré, Ousseynou1500
33Tage-Eddine, Imran1400
34Regnier, Bernard1200