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Championnat des Laurentides 2024 section C

Senast uppdaterad21.10.2024 01:41:16, Creator/Last Upload: Léchiquier Stratégique

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1Mourad, Michel107867CAN1621
2Laporte, Michel72718CAN1469
3Falcon, Luis106626CAN1468
4Audouze, Oscar113856CAN1455
5Sasseville, Alexis111244CAN1455
6Cobzari, Mario112375CAN1444
7Koenemann, Bernd114633CAN1435
8Courtemanche, Sylvain102816CAN1431
9Monazzam Esmaeilpour, Mohammad Persa112376CAN1410
10Schaper, Grant27810CAN1408
11Montreuil, Carl102743CAN1397
12Michaud, Pierre21148CAN1366
13St-Laurent, Luc24052CAN1337
14Al Aranji-Rouleau, Simon112366CAN1336
15Perez, Phil107051CAN1327
16Zhou, Julian112436CAN1315
17Breton, Jules28438CAN1302
18Fallet, Maurice102438CAN1295
19Nkoma, Cyclamen112940CAN1202
20Hetu, Martin114630CAN1179
21Tse, Edwin111710CAN1165
22Lespérance, Milan110389CAN1159
23Paquet, Elliott114637CAN1141
24Perrault, Louis114695CAN0