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Martes 22 de octubre, 19hs.
Costo: $350
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Torneo de Blitz en La EstaciĆ³n

Senast uppdaterad23.10.2024 01:50:37, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

Lista över spelare

6FMVazquez, Facundo3007669URU23182449Banco Republica
3IMCoppola, Claudio3001717URU21602404Banco Republica
2Nunez De La Rosa, Matias3000923URU20452258Paysandu
4Rodriguez Buela, Martin3012158URU18991956La Proa
1Chamlian, Aram3003639URU18441815Banco Republica
7Varela, Mateo3019519URU18431913Cerro
5Nakle, Gonzalo3002250URU17631620Cerro
8Lamas, Joaquin3028607URU14960Club Colonia