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10. GrandPrix liga Zeničko-dobojskog kantona

Seinast dagført19.10.2024 14:07:26, Creator/Last Upload: Didondo

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

1Trkulja, GoranBIH2239
2Kobaš, AdnanBIH2185
3Čunjalo, FarisBIH2155
4Hutinović, HalimBIH2145
5Bajramović, HalidBIH2054
6Kadić, EdinBIH1991
10Karalic, Ahmed14404079BIH1928
7Topoljak, MehmedBIH1907
8Hatibović, NerminBIH1647
9Pojskic, HazimBIH0