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Overberg October Chess Festival C SECTION

Last update 17.10.2024 19:51:59, Creator/Last Upload: Aldo Pekeur

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Starting rank

1Smal, RileyRSA1215
2Windvogel, JunaideRSA1208
3Marthinus, NataliaRSA1199
4Lotz, RenaldoRSA1194
5Ess, NoahRSA1193
6Pekeur, AndrewRSA1192
7Gumbato, BlessedRSA1186
8Boes, DaylanRSA1178
9Adonis, BlakeRSA1168
10Fredericks, TedrossRSA1157
11Dreyer, ChristianoRSA1150
12Witbooi, CarlaRSA1143
13Omar, AbdullahRSA1122
14Philander, FaithRSA1121
15Kies, JaydeRSA1100
16Carelsen, Colin SteynRSA997
17Bonde, DivineRSA0
18Jacobs, NiquinRSA0
19Swarts, JaydenRSA0