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Overberg October Chess Festival A SECTION

Last update 17.10.2024 19:51:26, Creator/Last Upload: Aldo Pekeur

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Starting rank

1Gebuza, LufikoRSA1266
2Mtiki, SesonaRSA1263
3Ngalo, EntleRSA1208
4Tsobo, OlungakoRSA1198
5Mkhapheni, AyakhaRSA1181
6Qogi, DeanRSA1176
7Swarts, DenickaRSA1174
8Coulsen, DaniloRSA1163
9Henn, EnwillRSA1161
10Balelo, ZinthleRSA0
11Bezuidenhout, AnneliciaRSA0
12Booysen, EvenayRSA0
13Du Plessis, EljaydeRSA0
14Du Plessis, JasminRSA0
15Hartzenberg, LaylaRSA0
16Hendricks, LiamRSA0
17Hendricks, RihannaRSA0
18Kroon, NigailRSA0
19Le Roux, DuranRSA0
20Linderts, JeromeoRSA0
21Lombaard, DuwinRSA0
22Lucas, Bree-FaithRSA0
23Merington, ChanningRSA0
24Merrington, ZuhayrRSA0
25Meshoa, HandreRSA0
26Moses, LimphoRSA0
27Olivier, ZoeRSA0
28Olkers, DurrenRSA0
29Pietersen, Henri-LeeRSA0
30Pretorius, ColeRSA0
31Rossouw, Avore-LeeRSA0
32Ruiters, WandreRSA0
33Sebyboe, Jo-HeidenRSA0
34Stuurman, CaithlinRSA0
35Taylor, CarleighRSA0
36Theodore, LowayneRSA0
37Theodore, MubashirRSA0
38Toerien, AdrianRSA0
39Van Rooyen, AvrinRSA0
40Volmink, QuinechiaRSA0