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2nd Inter Open under 12-18th youth U12 team Championship of ESSTH-CHALK 2024

Last update 18.11.2024 12:51:38, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation (Licence 1)

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Team-Starting rank

1AMO "Galaxias" Thessalonikis1643
2SO Polichnis-11514
3SO Katerinis1460
4SO "Sach" Thessalonikis1458
5Chess Club Plovdiv1452
6AS Thessalonikis "O Aris"-11400
7Gambit Asseco See1400
8SO Kozanis "Aetoi"1380
9SA Chanion-11378
10CSKA Sofia-11347
11ES Thessalonikis-11338
12APO "Mikis Theodorakis"1303
13S Stavrodromi Galaxia Thessalonikis1246
14ESO Papafi "Chronikon"1153
15ES Kalamarias1151
16SO Kalamarias-11143
17MSK Centar-Skopje1140
18Protypi SA Thessalonikis1135
19OS Triandrias1124
20SA Thessalonikis "Lefkos Pyrgos"1112
21APO Thermis "O Thermaikos"1019
22CSKA Sofia-2983
23ES Thessalonikis-2982
24SA Moudanion-1981
25Olympiaki AA Galaxia976
26SA Chanion-3975
27SO Polichnis-2971
28SA "Giorgos Ioakeimidis"957
29SA Chanion-2952
30SA Moudanion-2808
31AS Thessalonikis "O Aris"-2800
32ASO Euosmou "Ipparion"800
33ASO Polygyrou800
35PAS Sykeon "O Foivos"800
36S Paremvasi Triandrias800
37SA Pefkon Thessalonikis800
38SA Sykeon - Neapolis800
39SO Ionias Thessalonikis800
40SO Kalamarias-2800
41SO Kalamarias-3800
42SO Kalamarias-4800
43SS Kordeliou-Euosmou800
44YMCA Thessalonikis-Kalamarias800