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Aditya Birla Group [Zone 2] U14 Inter School Chess Tournament, RAWAN 2024

Last update 19.10.2024 08:17:55, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Raipur Chhattisgarh

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Starting rank

1Akshith Subhash,IND0ABPS Baikunth
2Alok Jaiswal,IND0SHSS Maihar
3Anekant Sethi,IND0ABPS Nagda
4Ashish Nath,IND0ABHSS Khor
5Darsh Parmar,IND0ABSSS Nagda
6Harshit Mishra,IND0ABHSS Sidhi
7Ishant Tiwari,IND0SVN Maihar
8Krishna Gurjar,IND0ABHSS Nagda
9Kushagra Dixit,IND0ABPS Lapanga
10Navy Bhandari,IND0ABPS Khor
11Nehal Verma,IND0ABPS Hirmi
12Raghumahanti Rajesh,IND0ABPS Rawan
13Samar Pandey,IND0ABPS Raygada
14Utkarsh Shende,IND0ABPS Sidhi