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TigerDen 1st Chess Tournament U12

Posledná aktualizácia 27.10.2024 10:10:47, Creator/Last Upload: Sahapol Nakvanich

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Štartová listina

1Tipayadamrongkul, Dhrash6218601THA1476
2Luangvaranunt, Napat6216170THA1447
3Apiwatkajorn, Phonake6223990THA0
4Chaijirakul, Chin6224008THA0
5Intiya, Kanin6224334THA0
6Jantharajirakul, Athit6214797THA0
7Najai, Theeraphat6223796THA0
8Ngamlertprasert, Kridwarit6223966THA0
9Olankittikul, Achiraya6224326THA0
10Parkvisal, Teepapark6216897THA0
11Punyapotasakul, Patada6223982THA0
12Sukcharoenyingyong, Kunatch6216340THA0
13Vongwisit, Lertrat6220797THA0