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TigerDen 1st Chess Tournament U08

Last update 23.10.2024 08:19:46, Creator/Last Upload: Sahapol Nakvanich

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Starting rank

1Athpaibul, Teerawish6223699THA0
2Chaipornkaew, Tatchapol6224067THA0
3Khuannak, Tachatan6224300THA0
4Maungwong, Arada6221033THA0
5Nakthip, Nakorn6220509THA0
6Olankittikul, Chanaradee6224318THA0
7Ruengjirachuporn, Chantat6220347THA0
8Ruengjirachuporn, Nantat6222080THA0
9Siridanupath, Arisa6224059THA0
10Sitthithanatthamrong, Thanat6215840THA0
11Srisuwittanon, Jaree6223168THA0
12Vannacharoen, Patchara6224075THA0