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Memorialul Gh. Varabiescu - editia I - Colegiul National Alexandru Odobescu - Sala Multimedia - 8-10 noiembrie 2024 - Turneul B - Sah Clasic - Elo 1450-1800

اخر تحديث23.10.2024 12:24:22, منشئ/آخر رفع: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 36)

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييم دوليتقييم محليجنسنوعنادي/مدينة
1IStatescu-Enescu, Vlad1215949ROU17641764S50Acs Noul Regat Crisade Pitesti
2IIDeresoiu, David-Leonard1287133ROU16911691U18Ac De Sah Alfil Pitesti
3CMBaltac, Constantin1205358ROU16901690S65Cs Tinerii Maestri Bucuresti
4Quiros Florea, Rafael-Santiago42211328ROU16730Ac De Sah Alfil Pitesti
5IStoenescu, Ioana-Teodora1267655ROU16151615wU16Ac De Sah Alfil Pitesti
6IIDicu, Teodor-Florentin42215447ROU16131613Ac De Sah Alfil Pitesti
7IIPrignea, David-Cristian42227976ROU15911591Ac De Sah Alfil Pitesti
8IICiobanu, Antonia-Marilena1295004ROU15811581wAc De Sah Alfil Pitesti
9IILuca, David Gabriel42215960ROU15781578Ac De Sah Alfil Pitesti
10IIRuja, Irina42216028ROU15481548wAc De Sah Alfil Pitesti
11IIStanciu, Darius-Matei42228190ROU15061506Ac De Sah Alfil Pitesti
12IIAna, Maria-Isabelle42214947ROU14951495wU10Ac De Sah Alfil Pitesti
13IIMustatea, Ciprian42232830ROU14791479Ac De Sah Alfil Pitesti
14IIMazilu, Ioan-Casian42240875ROU14521452U08Ac De Sah Alfil Pitesti