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Last update 22.10.2024 10:03:09, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine

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1FMBrajic, Miloje922358SRB2152
2Tepic, Boris922668SRB2112
3Jovanovic, Petar924032SRB2081
4CMPopovic, Dobrivoj907103SRB2020
5FMRajak, Luka929522SRB1977
6Mencik, David955507SRB1975
7Parnicki, Zlatko920789SRB1964
8Petric, Milos966959SRB1963
9Ignjatovic, Dragan920797SRB1947
10Trivunovic, Djordje918954SRB1940
11Puaca, Dusan950700SRB1930
12Jovanovic, Ilija988049SRB1833
13Suvara, Filip9229986SRB1815
14Andjusic, Ilija943690SRB1814
15Brajic, Andrej9211505SRB1607
16Brajic, Boris9210800SRB1591
17Kralj, Nebojsa960721SRB1886
18Zoric, Ognjen N9237938SRB0
19Golic, Ognjen982440SRB1746
20Curcic, Dragan988030SRB1819