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Rallye-Turnier Rankweil 2024 - Schüler U10

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony20.11.2024 09:23:57, Creator: Vbg. Schachverband,Last Upload: Dipl.Ing.Heinz Herzog

Search for player Szukanie

Lista startowa

1Stark, Jakob530001587AUT1390Götzis
2Statzer, BorysAUT1358Dornbirn
3Sükün, Aziz ÖmerAUT1320Lustenau
4Sükün, ZümraAUT1267Lustenau
5Boss, AurelAUT1243Bregenz
6Celigoj, Anton530000149AUT1239Rankweil
7Lins, Luisa1679856AUT1236Hohenems
8Erath, Julius530001536AUT1200Wolfurt
9Safonova, AnnaUKR1200Bregenz
10Schmidt, Thomas530004942AUT1200Dornbirn
11Sprecher, MarlonSUI1200SC Buchs
12Tschapeller, AntonAUT1200Wolfurt
13Wabnig, FelixAUT1200Götzis
14Wehinger, Aaron530001528AUT1200Sonnenberg
15Bals, Luka530000700AUT0Lochau
16Breuß, Benjamin530003466AUT0Rankweil
17Höfel, Luis530004802AUT0SK Bregenz
18Lang, DemianAUT0SK Götzis
19Steck, Justine Xinyuan12000353LIE0SC Triesen
20Steck, Michelle Xinyue12000370LIE0SC Triesen