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OPEN Mumbai Classical Chess Tournament 27th October,2024 Enroll npow@9136070584/9004151333

Darrera actualització23.10.2024 14:27:01, Creador/Darrera càrrega: GD Nagesh

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Rànquing inicial

1Aarav, Ravi Jhavar88199207IND1465
2Garg, Aditya366095656IND1465
3Dcosta, Sean366095066IND1421
4Priyansh, Mukesh Sharma48785792IND1412
5Ashwini, Pandey88129055IND0
6Ishaan Divekar,IND0
7Nandish Dalal,IND0
8Shryansh, Pandey88129632IND0
9Sohit Kapoor,IND0