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Preselectivo Zacatecano de Ajedrez "Nacionales CONADE 2025" Sub 14 Femenil

Senast uppdaterad27.10.2024 23:51:19, Creator/Last Upload: IA Tizoc Haro

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1Gurrola, Ramirez Helena Danae29668123MEX1612
2Goytia, Navarro ValentinaMEX1484
3Raudry, Garcia YaretzyMEX1484
4Garcia Navarro, Abril FeliciaMEX1447
5Andrade Sidon, Dasha NahomyMEX0
6Espino Ledezma, Melany Alexia29674387MEX0
7Maldonado Dominguez, Tania DanaeMEX0
8Munoz Banuelos, Natalia29674760MEX0