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Issak Boleslavsky

Last update 17.10.2024 05:47:24, Creator/Last Upload: Francisco Javier Michel Sánchez.

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Starting rank

1Yanez Melendez, Carlos ArturoMEX1935
2Sanchez Lopez, Brian RicardoMEX1903
3Medina Zaragoza, Pedro BernardoMEX1742
4Garcia Barradas, Hugo IvanMEX1740
5Savalza Perez, Jesus DanielMEX1739
6Leyva Murillo, NoeMEX1715
7Villasenor Rodriguez, Gerardo IvanMEX1678
8Michel Sanchez, Francisco JavierMEX1673
9Bernal Guzman, Santiago EmmanuelMEX1649
10Pena Lazcano, Alan MichelMEX1585
11Guzman Rendon, FranciscoMEX1499
12Gonzalez Anzures, LeopoldoMEX1493
13Marin Plascencia, Sergio FidelMEX1472
14Martinez Ibarra, Jorge AlejandroMEX1431
15Rico Lara, Santiago ManuelMEX1244
16Henriquez Ramirez, Eduardo AlbertoMEX1234
17Coronado Galindo, RicardoMEX0