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SIPAT 2024 ( Semana Interna Prevenção de Acidentes de Trabalho) modalidade XADREZ

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Վերջին արդիացում17.10.2024 03:44:49, Creator/Last Upload: Roraima Chess Federation - FEROX

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1Abraao, CarneiroBRA0
2Aline, ThaynaraBRA0
3Anderson, SousaBRA0
4Cleudson, SilvaBRA0
5Felipe, MayconBRA0
6Fernando, CarvalhoBRA0
7Isan, MatosBRA0
8Jerciane, LimaBRA0
9Khayo, SouzaBRA0
10Laysa, DinizBRA0
11Marcos, DiegoBRA0
12Paulo, VictorBRA0
13Renato, OliveiraBRA0
14Romeu, DamascenoBRA0