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Director :- SNA Mr. Shubham Pareta 7415161151
Organising Secretary :- Mr. Murarilal Kori 7000553807
Mr. Lalit Panadiwal
Priyanka Jain, Ruchi Agrawal

1st Olympio & Kulguru Chess Academy (Inter School) 20th Oct (10th - 12th Class)

Senast uppdaterad20.10.2024 12:38:56, Creator/Last Upload: Shubham Pareta Kings of 64 Chess Academy

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1Rishi, Sonwani33305714IND1519
2Mahima, Lodhi531090311IND1497
3Aarti, Lodhi531090290IND0
4Ayush Senggar,48782653IND0
5Gourav Chourasia,IND0
6Govind Patel,IND0
7Madhusudan Hazari,IND0
8Shlok Sarthi,IND0
9Shourya Koshti,IND0
10Sourabh Ahirwar,IND0
11Turvi Kumari,IND0
12Utkarsh, Jha48782980IND0