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ACXA - Campeonado Distrital Individual de Veteranos S50 - Rápidas - 2024/25

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony19.10.2024 17:03:30, Creator/Last Upload: fpxfaro

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1COHN, Max Eduardo2111039BRA2131AFN GIL EANES
2BOTELHO, Luis Miguel Rodrigues1904981POR2112LOULÉ ++
3PRATA, José Miguel Mendes1901303POR2004LOULÉ ++
4KNUDSEN, Mogens Nygaard1975137DEN1890LOULÉ ++
5DUMONT, Andre201910BEL1882LOULÉ ++
6JURADO PÉREZ, Oliver2282410ESP1851LOULÉ ++
7SOUSA, Carlos Nuno Gonçalves Fantasia1902741POR1796ADC FARO
8MOSTAFA, Hazem Farouk Mahmoud1983008EGY1769AFN GIL EANES
9SIMÕES, Francisco Guilherme Stichaner1909070POR1756LOULÉ ++
10KUTREV, Rosen Rosenov1919741POR1724CLUBE DE TAVIRA
11FREITAS, Carlos Duarte1982990POR1546AFN GIL EANES
12BEREZOVSKY, Taras1987453POR0LOULÉ ++
13HALETA, Oleh1902180POR0LOULÉ ++