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ACXA - Campeonato Distrital Individual de Veteranos S65 - Rápidas - 2024/25

Senast uppdaterad19.10.2024 17:03:35, Creator/Last Upload: fpxfaro

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1MEINECKE, Gerd12915041GER2013LOULÉ ++
2PAULINO, José Manuel Gonçalves1901176POR1916CLUBE DE TAVIRA
3ESTEVES, Gonçalo Maria Franco Vasconcel1925300POR1892CLUBE DE TAVIRA
4PENA, Hélio Adelino Silva1911376POR1884AFN GIL EANES
5Correia, Helder Manuel Bento1976095POR1865Filiado Individual
6BARROS, Filipe da Silva Sousa e1928201POR1857ADC FARO
7LEAL, José Alberto Campos Martins1976117POR1716AFN GIL EANES
8HIPS, Valentyn1919733POR1695LOULÉ ++
9BRAUN, Maurice Paul Raymond690830FRA1642AFN GIL EANES
10MACHADO, Manuel Domingos Jóia1911074POR1575CLUBE DE XADREZ DA SIRM
12VIEGAS, Anibal Fernando1971530POR0CLUBE DE TAVIRA