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Checkmate Challenge Chess Tournament 3rd ED. (Under-19)

Last update 17.10.2024 15:47:43, Creator/Last Upload: Savitri Joshi

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Starting rank

1Harsh Kumar,IND1614
2N. Tarun,IND1507
3Hemakshi Damani,IND1473
4Sarthak Deshwal,IND1469
5Himanshu Garg,IND1450
6Reyansh Chhaunker,IND1434
7Aarav Malik,IND0
8Akshay Rishi,IND0
9Daksh Dalal,IND0
10Hardik Lamba,IND0
12Himanshu Gujjar,IND0
13Nikunj Madaan,IND0
14Paranjay Singh Maan,IND0
15Piyush Sharma,IND0
16Ramneek Singh,IND0
17Ridit Popli,IND0
18Vansh Tandon,IND0
19Vishal Kumar,IND0
20Yug Taneja,IND0