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Vl Juegos Deportivos Comunales Miranda 2024Vl Juegos Deportivos Comunales Miranda 2024 Femenino Posledná aktualizácia 17.10.2024 00:05:39, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION VENEZOLANA DE AJEDREZ (Li.3)
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | Brazon, Dajhmy | | VEN | 0 | Sucre |
2 | | Canino, Melanie | | VEN | 0 | Plaza |
3 | | Hernandez, Anais | | VEN | 0 | Hatillo |
4 | | Hidalgo, Crismely | | VEN | 0 | Andres |
5 | | Miranda, Angelique | | VEN | 0 | Buroz |
6 | | Mosquera, Nataly | | VEN | 0 | Guaicaipuro |
7 | | Natera, Amy | | VEN | 0 | Hatillo |
8 | | Natera, Sofia | | VEN | 0 | Hatillo |
9 | | Orellana, Camila | | VEN | 0 | Guaicaipuro |
10 | | Parra, Nikole | | VEN | 0 | Guaicaipuro |
11 | | Perez, Jorgnelly | | VEN | 0 | Andres |
12 | | Prada, Samantha | | VEN | 0 | Plaza |
13 | | Ruiz, Arianna | | VEN | 0 | Guaicaipuro |
14 | | Sanchez, Franchesca | | VEN | 0 | Sucre |
15 | | Sanz, Lisbeny | | VEN | 0 | Andres |
16 | | Vallenilla, Eduliannys | | VEN | 0 | Sucre |
17 | | Vargas, Keyla | | VEN | 0 | Hatillo |
18 | | West, Wadeska | | VEN | 0 | Andres |
19 | | Zorrilla, Zoe | | VEN | 0 | Sucre |