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Olof Palme Classical League (Wednesday)

Last update 16.10.2024 16:14:06, Creator/Last Upload: Namibia Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Andreas, BlessingNAM0
2Goseb, CliftonNAM0
3Jamukeni, ReginaNAM0
4Kambonde, RachelNAM0
5Kaputara, TinozondungeNAM0
6Kashenye, OivaNAM0
7Mushimba, JohannaNAM0
8Nambala, EfraimNAM0
9Nashilongo, SevelenNAM0
10Ndinoshiho, TaimiNAM0
11Pakondjelwa, EufrasiaNAM0
12Shalonga, SelmaNAM0
13Kanyemba, ConstaciaNAM0