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KEJURDA Junior DK Jakarta 2024 Junior B Putra (KU-17)

Last update 20.10.2024 11:47:33, Creator: PeparnasSolo2024,Last Upload: mppindo

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Starting rank

1Steven, TanINA2012
2Ronen, Martin Tua SidabutarINA1874
3Cleon, Amadeus SuryaINA1806
4Raphael, Tyophilus AlgrendINA1754
5Daffa, Mahardika HINA1724
6Agave, S. PangaribuanINA0
7Christopher, Vincentius KurniawanINA0
8Darrick, Hagen JupiterINA0
9Declan, Lex MulyadiINA0
10Fayzal, HazeeqINA0
11Jevan, Obama PurbaINA0
12Theodorus, NathanaetlINA0