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2 rounds of standard chess, 60 minutes + 30 seconds incr. from move 1. Round 1: 10:30 Round 2: 14:00
*Lunch after you finish your round 1 game, until 14:00.Muswell Hill FIDE Standard 22nd October 2024 @The Clissold Arms, 105 Fortis Green, East Finchley, London N2 9HRՎերջին արդիացում24.10.2024 13:43:22, Creator/Last Upload:
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | | Bird, Joel | 429252 | ENG | 1999 |
2 | | | Chua, Sebastien | 5727421 | MAS | 1863 |
3 | | | Llewellyn, Julian D | 484750 | ENG | 1837 |
4 | | | Brockes, Jeremy P | 458503 | ENG | 1754 |
5 | | | Veselow, Zoe | 497657 | ENG | 1672 |
6 | | | Haddock, Paul | 419150 | ENG | 1619 |
7 | | | Thompson, David Nigel | 343414311 | ENG | 1588 |
8 | | | Lewis, David | 473111 | ENG | 1548 |
9 | | | Siddhant, Vishal Khetan | 33441073 | IND | 1528 |
10 | | | Goulbourne, Nick | 428787 | ENG | 1520 |
11 | | ACM | Sriram, Gautam | 498491 | ENG | 1512 |
12 | | | Henry, John | 343449620 | ENG | 1511 |
13 | | | Tan, Austin | 343439551 | ENG | 997 |
14 | | | Wolfin, Edward | 343443265 | ENG | 0 |