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LJCC - Wimbledon U10

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony02.11.2024 17:35:07, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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1Karlmarx, Sarwayogan354819ENG1291
2Maksak, Liubava355686ENG1030w
3Mao, Jack Shuocheng358986ENG1024
4He, Hongqian366133ENG928
5Lu, Mobai347297ENG891w
6Erturk, Ali368283ENG883
7Balachander, Neil341891ENG828
8Li, Alice364584ENG750w
9Lyne, Brendan366118ENG702
10Shen, Louis368328ENG579
11Viswanathan, Maadhav367246ENG563
12Schuhmacher, Felix371561ENG0